What’s the show’s format?
A Shen Yun performance is roughly two hours, plus intermission. There are about 17-18 short dance pieces in each performance, which offer variety in terms of both pacing and style. Some pieces feature stories from ancient Chinese history or mythology, others from contemporary China, while still others feature dance styles and costumes from different dynasties, regions, and ethnic groups.
A live orchestra plays original music to accompany each of the dance pieces. Bilingual emcee hosts briefly introduce each piece to provide you with helpful background so that you can appreciate the experience more fully. Interspersed between the dances are 2-3 classical vocal and instrumental solos.
Shen Yun productions are unforgettable for their combination of music, dance, brilliant costumes, and animated backdrops—which also contain a few surprises!
February 22, 2017