What’s New
“Loved it, loved it, loved it... All the flowy fabrics—so beautiful in the way...” MORE
Rebecca Hodges, painter
“This was a little respite from the outside world, where we could enjoy…” MORE
Christopher Popa, librarian, Chicago Public Library
“It was magical. It was amazing. I think everyone should see it—it’s...” MORE
Sarah Le, graphic artist
“Fantastic! The costumes, the dancing, the choreographing, the music, everything...” MORE
Ellen R. Sauerbrey, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State
“I could see that they put a lot of hard work into training every single day to...” MORE
Jackel Wai & Alexandra Mo, fitness professionals
“I am absolutely thrilled...It is just incredible! Absolutely beautiful.” MORE
Nancy Berodyn, teacher
“Masterful... I certainly thought this was the most spectacular of all of the...” MORE
Leif Bristow, film & tv director and producer
“Very fine musicianship. Very fine artistry. Really moving…” MORE
Scott Harris, bassist, Virginia Symphony Orchestra
“Wonderful! I will be back next year with more people.” MORE
Chin-chien Wu, company president & Rotary Club member
“They’re tremendously talented and disciplined, and they dance beautifully.” MORE
James Kenney, Mayor of Philadelphia
“I think the culture just reached across all cultures...It was uplifting, it made...” MORE
Scott & Sarah Ritchie, manager of international shipping company & spouse
“Beyond what the human body can perform! I don’t think this can be duplicated...” MORE
Alexander Zureikat, physician
All audience member quotes courtesy of The Epoch Times and New Tang Dynasty Television.